10 Foods That Make You Older

You may think that you are cutting down on calories and keeping your body slim by eating synthetic sugar, but in fact, sweeteners stimulate the appetite and craving for food, and all in all, it makes the problem bigger.
10 foods that make you older

If you want to eat healthy and take care of your body, then it is important to keep in mind that the best way is with a nutritious and thoughtful diet. What you put in your mouth is important. And some foods can actually prevent your muscles and organs from performing their function, which you will notice in your daily activities. In this article, we give you 10 foods that will make you older.

You are what you eat.” It’s not just an old saying. What you consume makes a big difference to your overall health in everyday life. Your diet should be nutritious and balanced and not contain temptations that are toxic and harmful. In this article we will talk about foods that make you older.

We all have some small temptations that we think help us get through life, but in reality they only cause harm and may end up taking years of your life. Put the cutlery away from you and read on to find out which foods make you older, which are just usually unhealthy and which are directly harmful to your body functions.

Mixed meat

Ham, sausages, hot dogs, salami: These mixed cold cuts often contain large amounts of fat, especially saturated fat. Foods that contain more than 1.5 grams of saturated fat in a 100 gram serving have a high health risk as it can increase your chance of cardiovascular disease, obesity, overweight and stroke. And, what you did not know is that these foods often contain large amounts of nitrite, which when ingested regularly can be carcinogenic. Do not forget that the high sodium content can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.

Soft drinks


Beverages that contain a high concentration of added sugar contribute to obesity and the development of diabetes. While sugar is essential for your body functions, excessive amounts, as seen in soft drinks, can have negative effects on your health and even affect the efficiency of your organs and essential body functions.

French fries

Stuffed with saturated fat, trans fatty acids and cholesterol: French fries are tasty but a poor choice for a healthy life. For every 100 grams, a serving of fritters contains about 500 calories, which means that while you satisfy your cravings and eat a few individual fritters, you are moving towards obesity or overweight.

Pizza and burger

A burger

What does a few pizza slices on Friday night or a grilled burger on the weekend mean? What about excess amounts of saturated fat, sodium and sugar? Pizza and burgers are eaten regularly all over the world, but are actually a poor choice as it does not provide nutrition and at the same time it increases the risk of lifestyle diseases.


They may be tasty and refreshing, but ice cream is made from saturated fat, trans fatty acids, sugar and cholesterol. It is almost unnecessary for us to mention the amount of calories that ice cream contains, but let’s face it: it may give a good feeling, but in the end, ice cream is an unhealthy choice.


A pile of candy

You know it’s made of sugar don’t you? The short-term satisfaction has long-term side effects. Sweets contain large amounts of sugar that can increase the chance of diabetes, obesity and can make your body resistant to insulin.


Your body needs salt to function properly, but too much salt is harmful. Commercial salt contains complex chemicals that can be toxic to the body, and a diet high in salt can result in water or fluid retention and unhealthy muscle storage. The recommended daily dose is 6 grams.

Artificial sweeteners

Splenda - foods that make you older

Artificial sweeteners increase your appetite by having a stimulating effect. This means that while you are trying to eat healthy, the artificial sweeteners make you want to eat more, which increases the chance of eating unhealthy foods that contain large amounts of sugar and fat, for example.

Red meat

That’s right, you should not eat a steak for dinner every single day. A balanced diet includes red meat, but it is recommended that you limit your intake. Red meat has a high content of saturated fat, which is bad for your heart. Your body is slow to digest red meat, which means your body spends essential energy trying to break it down, which in the end is not ideal if you are trying to lose weight.

Processed carbohydrates

Processed foods have typically lost all nutritional value, and when eaten, it can actually contribute to the uptake of unhealthy substances. Cereal products, for example, can be a healthy addition to your diet when eaten organically and unprocessed. But processed grain products have lost almost all of their nutritional value in production. Ingestion of processed carbohydrates can lead to high blood sugar and storage of fat in the body.

You have to keep that in mind

For a healthy and long life, a nutritious and balanced diet is the key. Your diet should consist of foods that are balanced and help increase your body’s most basic and important functions. You will see and feel the long-term benefits of eating right and remember to avoid the foods that make you older.

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