10 Foods That Can Prevent Cancer

The key to avoiding cancer lies in including the following foods in your diet – but not too much – and visiting your doctor regularly, with medication if necessary.
10 foods that can prevent cancer

Cancer is a chronic disease that has affected humans for hundreds of years. Due to the severity of this disease and the organs that it normally affects, cancer is one of the most feared and dangerous diseases one can be affected by. Many cancer cases are linked to genetic factors, but it has also been proven that lifestyle can have as much of an impact as anything else. However, you can prevent cancer by avoiding or doing certain things. Read here.

In addition to this , regular exposure to toxins and pollution in the environment can increase the risk of cancer. Other substances that are used to process foods or genetically modify them may also be associated with this serious disease.

There is no doubt that eating natural foods that are 100% organic and pesticide-free can help prevent a wide range of diseases and health problems.

That is why in this article we will talk about 10 anti-cancer foods that everyone should add to their diet to live a healthier life. Find out now!

1. Red wine can prevent cancer

Red wine

Drinking a glass of red wine every day is an excellent way to supply your body with important antioxidants and vitamins.

Despite the content of alcohol, red wine contains resveratrol, which is an active substance that has been proven to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in several parts of the body.

2. Pomegranate can prevent cancer

This fruit, which one can eat whole or just drink the juice from there, has a high content of antioxidants that delay the effect of free radicals, which is the main cause of cell changes.

Regular consumption of pomegranate delays the migration of the malignant cells, reducing the likelihood that metastases will occur.

Green tea can  prevent cancer

Green tea can prevent cancer

Green tea has become very popular, thanks to its ability to help with weight loss and fight cancer.

It contains polyphenols and other antioxidants that prevent cancer cell division, both by fighting tumors and reducing the likelihood that it will develop in the following body parts:

  • The colon
  • The rectum
  • The pancreas
  • The lungs
  • The liver
  • The breasts

4. Broccoli can prevent cancer

Broccoli is one of those green vegetables that everyone should eat at least a couple of times a month. It contains a large amount of fiber, which helps remove harmful waste products from the intestines.

Broccoli also contains a substance known as sulforaphane, which promotes the detoxification of the liver and prevents the growth of tumors through the intestinal system.

5. Coffee can prevent cancer

Consumption of coffee can have positive effects when it comes to preventing skin cancer. This is because caffeine neutralizes a protein called ATR, and destroys cells that have been damaged by being exposed to the sun’s dangerous UV rays.

Garlic can prevent cancer


This powerful medicinal food is not only one of the world’s best natural antibiotics – garlic is also known to be anti-cancer.

Sulfur and a high content of vitamins and minerals help garlic prevent a number of cancers, including in these body parts:

  • The esophagus
  • Lungs
  • Colon
  • Stomach

7. Nuts can prevent cancer

Nuts contain certain molecules called phytosterols, which block the estrogen receptors and at the same time delay the growth of the malignant cells.

When you add them to your diet, they can help you reduce the risk of:

  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Colon cancer

8. Citrus fruits can prevent cancer


Citrus fruits, such as lemon, orange and grapefruit, contain large amounts of limonene, which is a substance that stimulates lymphocytes to fight certain types of cancer.

9. Peaches can prevent cancer

According to several studies , peaches contain certain nutrients that can kill cancer cells, which are in certain important body parts.

Peach extract is very promising in the development of future treatments for breast cancer because it goes after the damaged cells without attacking the healthy ones.

10. Oregano can prevent cancer


This fragrant herb, which is often used in the kitchen, also contains carvacrol, which is a substance that kills the malignant cells found in prostate cancer.

In addition to this, it has been proven that it fights inflammation and infections, both of which are important properties when it comes to reducing the risk of cancer.

Should one eat large amounts of these foods?

Be careful! Just because these foods have some substances that prevent or fight cancer, does not mean that one should eat them all day. The key is to start by adding them to his diet, and always in moderate portions.

It is also important to remember that while they may have some beneficial effects against cancer, it does not make them miracle cures or treatments in themselves.

Go for maintaining a healthy diet and if you are at risk, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

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